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The re-enactment of battles is a great tourist experience as well as an outlet for the actors in these events.  The losing side organizes many of these gatherings and a good example is the Battle of the Little Big Horn Re-enactment on the Crow Reservation in southern Montana.  To clarify, the Crow were scouts for the Americans. 
There are also strangely enough re-enactments staged by other countries.  Just south of Berlin, Germans like to portray American Civil War events, with reasoning that many German immigrants fought in this war. 
As with re-enactments, even though there are attempts at authenticity, this is an impossible task.  A degrading of the actual battles happens. Political correctness can further pollute the forgotten truths.   With my paintings, I am trying to decompose these events even more with the removal and color conversions of visual information.   The question I want to play with has to do with color switches and abstractions that sweeten the gory truths usually romanticized by traditional panoramic historical painting.  I want to  see color convey the content.
Embroidery is another element of this project. Linked to traditional panoramic history genre is medium that has had traditions in depicting battles; The Bayreuth Tapestry, being just one example.  Most often these survive in fragments, as does my own stitching. 
Pip Brant
Hollywood, FL

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