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Pip Brant, Artist

Zombie Stitch series
These embroideries are fragments of paintings featured on the painting page. They echo the arcane European practice of historical narratives of battles>painting>tapestry. In this process the story is decomposing as time goes on.

Arizona Calvary Stitch
Arizona Calvary Stitch, embroidery floss on linen, 18x18in, 2013

Union Charge Stitch
Union Charge Stitch, embroidery on linen, 18x18in, 2013

Waiting in the Woods Stitch
Waiting in the Woods Stitch, embroidery on linen, 18x18in, 2013

Fake Burning Cabin Stitch
Fake Burning Cabin Stitch, embroidery on linen, 18x18in, 2013
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